woman sleeping well

The Night Shifter’s Guide to Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

If you have ever worked a night shift, you know what the sleeping struggles are. The moment you reach home, you want to hit the sack. However, the daytime noise and sunlight make it nearly impossible. To top it off, smartphones and technology make a great distraction. Once you are hooked to a web series, your sleep goes for a toss.

It creates a ripple effect in the day forward. You might get up late or become moody. Your mental and physical health deteriorates. It is therefore critical to obtain enough sleep no matter what. It encourages the body to relax by convincing it that everything is OK outside. The body responds to that and recovers as a result. Let’s look at how to get a good night’s sleep throughout the day and the great benefits of sound sleep.

Establish Comfortable Daytime Sleep

Unfortunately, getting a good night’s sleep during the day is quite challenging. But you can do that if you have patience and perseverance. Start implementing the measures listed below, and getting at least 7 hours of sleep will become a possibility.

  • Block Light – With thick curtains on windows and a mask on eye block outside lights.
  • Cancel Noise – Wear earplugs to cancel out the traffic noise, neighbor quarrels, kids screaming, and other disruptions.
  • Ditch Screentime – Limit screen time a couple of hours before going to bed. The blue light emitted by mobile phones, tablets, televisions, and other devices makes it harder to fall asleep.
  • Don’t Drink – Avoid drinking alcohol and even caffeine at least 3 to 4 hours before sleeping.
  • Maintain Temperature – You must maintain the optimal temperature, which is neither too cold nor too hot. Experts say the ideal sleeping temperature is 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit, particularly during the day. You can experiment with a two-in-one bed cooling system and heating devices. It works in keeping your bed at a comfortable temperature. They help make the sleeping schedule fuss-free.

The Benefits of Good Sleep

Congratulations to all the night employees! Now that you know how to sleep well during the day, you can enjoy the following health benefits of sleeping well.

Experience Good Mood

When you are asleep, the brain processes your emotions. You get subconscious time to recuperate from negative situations faced during the day. Not getting enough subconscious time might make you act out and become cranky. So get good sleep, reset the mood button, and start afresh.

Improves Immunity

Sleeping well enables your body’s immune system to battle disease-causing germs, bacteria, and viruses. Sleep helps your body’s defense system’s proteins and cells in identifying and killing alien invaders.

Enhances Brain Functions

Doctors have told this time and again. Quality sleep does improve brain function. To the outside world, rest seems to be a good-for-nothing activity. However, in reality, it is the basis of life. More and more Americans are trading sleep for so-called productive activities. And, the result is really horrifying. Most complain of memory loss.

When you sleep, your brain processes complex information. The brain is most active when you are fast asleep. Your brain also cements the most important occurrences of the day in your psyche. Try not to sleep for three days, and you will understand its repercussions. Thus, sleep, learning, and memory are interconnected.

Fosters a Healthy Heart

When you sleep, your blood pressure goes down. Thus, your heart and blood vessels can take some rest. High blood pressure often leads to more severe issues such as cardiac attacks. It is during sleep that your heart’s blood vessels and tissues undergo repair. Those with chronic sleep issues often suffer from heart diseases, high blood pressure, and kidney ailments.

Supports Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, stop losing your heart. Sleep instead! It will help you in more ways than you can think of. If you have rested well, you will also be less hungry. Moreover, your body can use the available resources in a wholesome manner.

All those who are sleep-deprived have digestion disorders. Thus, a lot of nutrients are left unabsorbed. You still crave more nutrients. This leads to weight gain. If you stay awake at night, you also tend to binge a lot. Hormones like Leptin are responsible for appetite. If you sleep less, it gets messed up.

Sleep deprivation causes a variety of mental and physical health issues. Moreover, it is the cause of several lifestyle problems. Therefore, it goes without saying that you should develop healthy sleeping habits.

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